Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Washoe County UNCE Youth Development

View Washoe County UNCE Youth Development in a larger map
4-H After school, Nutrition, Family Storyteller and 4-H Club program locations. Click on the map.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011


This is a video of the construction of and 84' x14' "low cost" hoop house at the community garden in Shurz, NV. Victor Williams led the projects construction, and with the help of  his granddaughter Kendal and a few community members we finished the project in just over 4 hours! This will provide a great opportunity to extend the growing season for the people of Shurz in cooler winter months. 

 Kendal and John placing the re-bar anchors 3 ft. apart.

 Now just to bend the PVC to each side of the re-bar anchors. 

 The center perlin for added strength.

 It immediately gets up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit in there.
 Kendal secures the plastic with twine which is tied to the bottom of each re-bar post and thrown across the top to hold the plastic tight.

 The door frame and vent section.

 A little dirt just so the wind doesn't get under the plastic.

There was also a BBQ to celebrate the new Technology Center in Shurz. It just so happened to be near the garden/hoop house so we walked over for a delicious tri-tip lunch and to check out the newly renovated building.

 Some really nice Walker River tile work.
 A new computer lab! There is also a video conferencing room and other meeting rooms.
 The BBQ.
 A new sign.
